The 8085 microprocessor, introduced by Intel in 1977, is an 8-bit microprocessor that uses a single +5V DC power supply for its operations. It’s a successor to the 8080 microprocessor and is known for its simplicity, making it a popular choice for beginners learning about microprocessor architecture.

Key Features of the 8085 Microprocessor:

  1. 8-bit Data Bus: It can process 8 bits of data simultaneously.
  2. 16-bit Address Bus: It can address up to 2^16 = 65,536 different memory locations.
  3. Clock Speed: Typically operates at 3 MHz.
  4. On-chip Clock Generator.
  5. 74 Instructions: The 8085 has a rich set of instructions, which can be categorized into five groups: data transfer, arithmetic, logical, branching, and machine control operations.
  6. Five 8-bit Registers: B, C, D, E, H, and L which can also be paired as BC, DE, and HL.
  7. On-chip Oscillator and System Controller.

Instruction Set Overview:

Here’s a brief overview of some of the 8085’s instruction set:

InstructionDescription (English)
NOPNo operation
MOVMove data from source to destination
MVIMove immediate data to a register
LXILoad register pair with immediate data (e.g., LXI H,xxxx)
LDALoad accumulator from memory
STAStore accumulator to memory
LHLDLoad H and L registers from memory
SHLDStore H and L registers to memory
ADDAdd register to accumulator
ADCAdd register and previous carry to accumulator
SUBSubtract register from accumulator
SBBSubtract register and previous carry from accumulator
INRIncrement register by 1
DCRDecrement register by 1
INXIncrement register pair by 1
DCXDecrement register pair by 1
CMAComplement accumulator
CMPCompare accumulator with register
JMPJump to specified address
JCJump if carry is set
JNCJump if carry is not set
JZJump if zero flag is set
JNZJump if zero flag is not set
CALLCall subroutine
RETReturn from subroutine
PUSHPush register pair onto stack
POPPop register pair from stack
RSTJump to specific reset vector
DIDisable interrupts
EIEnable interrupts
HLTHalt microprocessor

Applications of the 8085 Microprocessor:

The 8085 found its way into various applications due to its simplicity and ease of use. Some of its applications include:

  • Traffic light control
  • Temperature control systems
  • Washing machines
  • Calculators
  • Basic computer systems


The 8085 microprocessor, though considered primitive by today’s standards, played a pivotal role in the evolution of microprocessor design. Its simplicity and robust instruction set made it an ideal learning tool for students and hobbyists alike. Even today, it remains a fundamental part of many academic curriculums, offering a hands-on introduction to the world of microprocessors.