A high-performance, low-latency connection for system-on-chip (SoC) designs is provided by the AXI4 (Advanced eXtensible Interface 4) protocol, which is made up of a number of components. The primary elements of AXI4 are:

  1. AXI4 Master: The system’s slave devices are read from and written to by the AXI4 master. It is in charge of producing the AXI4 transaction requests and sending the required signals via the AXI4 interface.
  2. AXI4 Slave: When the master device sends read and write requests, the AXI4 slave devices react. They take in the requests, deal with them, then either acknowledge the write transaction or return the required data.
  3. AXI4 Interconnect: The AXI4 interconnect establishes the logical and physical connections between the system’s slave and master devices. It is in charge of directing AXI4 transactions amongst the various parts and can be implemented as a bus, crossbar, or other interconnect topology.
  4. AXI4 Protocol Converter: The AXI4 protocol converter is used to translate between different versions of the AXI4 protocol or between the AXI4 protocol and other protocols that are used in the system.
  5. AXI4 Stream: The AXI4 Stream is a separate protocol that is used for streaming data between different components in the system. It is designed for low-latency, high-bandwidth data transfer, and supports both synchronous and asynchronous data transfer modes.

Overall, these elements combine to offer an adaptable, high-performance interconnect for SoC designs that can be tailored to match the particular requirements of various applications and system architectures.